news 新闻

Sept 22, 2024 Emerging artist Dawn Jian‘s solo exhibition explores the journey of "Rain or Shine"

9月22号,2024​ 新銳藝術家簡丹個人展 探索「風雨無阻」旅程

Sept 10, 2024 Dawn Jian showcases works in ‘Come Rain or Shine’ exhibition at Ponte 16
9月10号,2024 简丹在十六浦「風雨無阻」展出作品

Sept 7, 2024 Artist Dawn Jian showcases artworks at Ponte 16 Combining Digital Media with Traditional Painting

9月7号,2024 艺术家简丹在十六铺展出融合数码媒体与传统绘画的作品

Sept 6, 2024
​Dawn Jian’s solo exhibition "Rain or shine" opens, inviting audiences to embark on a journey through the changing seasons
​簡丹個人作品展「風雨無阻」揭幕 邀請觀眾踏上四季更迭旅程

Aug 30, 2024
Ponte 16 Resort, Macau Presents “Come Rain or Shine” by Dawn Jian Exploring Seasonal Transformations with the Love of Macau’s Iconic Lotus

澳門十六浦度假村呈獻 簡丹個人作品展「風雨無阻」以澳門標誌性蓮花貫穿探索季節的變遷

Aug 29, 2024 Macau Exhibition and Convention Economy Journal “Macau Ponte 16 Resort presents Chien Tan’s solo exhibition ‘Come Rain or Shine’ Exploring the changing seasons with Macau’s iconic lotus”
8月29,2024 澳门会展经济报 “澳門十六浦度假村呈獻 簡丹個人作品展「風雨無阻」以澳門標誌性蓮花貫穿探索季節的變遷