
fonte de lótus 莲花宝池


《蓮花寶池》’s design concept incorporates the Diamond Jubilee theme of Sofitel’s 60th Anniversary. The design of the piece is inspired by the lotus, the city flower of Macau, which can be seen in both its unopened bulb form and its blooming flower. Its spiral petals and cascading water are in line with Feng Shui tradition, which believes that the sight and sound of running water can keep good energy flowing, bringing good luck to the audience with its luxury and opulence. 

这件作品是为庆祝澳门十六浦酒店 60 周年钻禧庆典而创作的。作品的设计灵感来自澳門市花莲花,既有未开的球茎形态,也有盛开的花朵。其螺旋状花瓣和倾泻而下的水符合风水传统,即人们相信流水的景象和声音可以保持良好的能量流动,以其奢华、華貴給觀眾帶來好运。